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Mary Drake Memorial Library

"Knowledge is Power" and WAMCAN supports caregivers in obtaining knowledge.  Through WAMCAN'S experiences with caregivers in their support groups, they concluded they needed a central resource of information that their members could easily access and "check out" as needed. 

The Kenny Drake Family had been a supporter of all the caregiver programs and gave a generous donation as the basis to create this new concept. Our library was named The Mary Drake Library in memory of Kenny's wife Mary. 

For years, The Mary Drake Library made appearances at every Memory Care Support Group meetings and also The Memory Screenings that were held locally.  It was housed in the lobby of Jenkins Living Center. During COVID, it became inaccessible to the public and a decision was made to find a more accessible home for it. 

WAMCAN entered an agreement with the Watertown Regional Library to place all the resources from The Mary Drake Library within The Watertown Regional Library. Those moves are now taking place. When the process is complete all of the Memory Care resources will be in an accessible building and available to those who want to learn more. The material will also be updated on an ongoing basis. WAMCAN is very pleased to be in partnership with the library and continue to offer valuable resources to the public.

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